Central Electronics Limited




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Memorandum of Understanding for the FY-2023-24 and 2024-25 of Central Electronics Limited (CEL) (Download 3.04MB) pdf  [ 31/07/2023 ]  NEW

Central Electronics Limited (CEL), established in June 1974, is a Technology and Production Enterprise of the Department of Scientific & Industrial Research, Ministry of Science & Technology, Government of India.

CEL's mission is to achieve excellence in the technology and manufacture and be market leader in Solar Energy Systems and Strategic Electronics.

Central Electronics Limited (CEL) holds a unique position among the family of Public Sector Enterprises in Electronics, with its emphasis on indigenous technology inducted both from its in-house developments and from the National Laboratories, for its production programme in diverse high-technology areas of national importance. The activities of CEL are sharply focused in three thrust areas:

  • Solar photovoltaic cells, modules and systems for a variety of applications.
  • Selected Electronic Systems-Equipment for Railway Signalling and Safety, Cathodic protection Equipment for Oil Pipelines, Switching Systems and Very Small Aperture Terminals (VSATs).
  • Selected Electronic components-professional (Soft) Ferrites, Electronic Ceramics, Piezo Electric Elements and Microwave Components.

CEL has been a pioneer in the country in the areas of solar photovoltaics, ferrites and piezo ceramics. Today, it enjoys the international status of being among the top producers of crystalline silicon solar cells in the world.

Solar Photovoltaic Products :Other Products :

Chairman and Managing Director
Central Electronics Limited
(A Public Sector Enterprise) ,

4, Industrial Area, Sahibabad-201010 (Uttar Pradesh). India

Phone:  +91 120 2895155,  2895156
Fax:  +91 120 2895142, 2895147, 2895148

On this website in all email addresses [at] = @ and [dot] = .

Last Updated : 31/07/2023